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According to the last minute development, the press release confirmed that the launch date of the DOGE-1 Moon mission is November 15-20. DOGE movement after the news The DOGE-1 Moon Mission, the first commercial Moon mission fully paid for in Dogecoin, has confirmed its launch date of November 15-20, 2023. Announced by Geometric Energy Corporation (GEC) and SpaceX in May 2021, the mission will launch with the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket as a vehicle share in the Nova-C/IM-1 mission, a joint mission between Intuitive Machines and NASA. Mission DOGE-1 will include a 40kg cubed satellite that will orbit the Moon and gather lunar-spatial information using onboard sensors and a camera. The launch of DOGE-1 was originally scheduled for Q1 2022, but was delayed due to delays in SpaceX's Nova-C mission. *Not investment advice. Cryptocurrency exchanges review: #1 <a>OKX</a> - 24h Volume: $ 1 097 255 972. OKX is an Hong Kong-based company founded in 2017 by Star Xu. Not available to users in the United States. #2 <a>ByBit</a> - 24h Volume: $953 436 658. It is headquartered in Singapore and has offices in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Bybit works in over 200 countries across the globe with the exception of the US. #3 <a>Gate.io</a> - 24h Volume: $ 643 886 488. The company was founded in 2013. Headquartered in South Korea. Gate.io is not available in the United States. #4 <a>MEXC</a> - 24h Volume: $ 543 633 048. MEXC was founded in 2018 and gained popularity in its hometown of Singapore. US residents have access to the MEXC exchange. #5 <a>KuCoin</a> - 24h Volume: $ 513 654 331. KuCoin operated by the Hong Kong company. Kucoin is not licensed to operate in the US. #6 <a>Huobi</a> - 24h Volume: $ 358 727 945. Huobi Global was founded in 2013 in Beijing. Headquartered in Singapore. Citizens cannot use Huobi in the US. #7 <a>Bitfinix</a> - 24h Volume: $ 77 428 432. Bitfinex is located in Taipei, T'ai-pei, Taiwan. Bitfinex is not currently available to U.S. citizens or residents. My bitcoin-blog: https://sites.google.com/view/my-crypto-jam/bitcoin-july22 =)
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